October 2021 Update
We have some great news! If you haven’t already heard, Castle Hill training will resume from Monday 11th October.
We are doing our best to comply with the government’s advice. Some industries have different requirements from what is reported on the news.
This is how our classes will look when we open from the 11th October:
- Facemasks must be worn by anyone over 12 while indoors and during training.
- Training will be modified in order to make it easier to wear a mask.
- Booking for classes via our website is essential. We recommend that you book in advance to ensure that you don’t miss out on your spot. The booking link can be found here: https://
kravmagaselfdefence.com.au/ book - Due to limitations, no spectators are allowed indoors.
- To train in the Adults Classes, you must provide proof of a double vaccination.
- Checking in to train also includes the government’s QR code as well as our system.
- Unfortunately, we do not have access to our School Hall rentals, so we encourage our Ryde regulars to give Castle Hill a go.
If you still haven’t joined our Facebook group, become a member of our active community here:
Krav Maga Kids and Juniors:
Krav Maga Adults:
We endeavour to keep everyone updated as quickly as possible via our website and social media with regard to changes to training and restrictions.
We are looking forward to seeing everyone again, and getting back to training in person!